Hypervisor - A software abstraction layer that runs VMs as application, Windows Virtual PC - An example of hosted hypervisors, Public - Infrastructure open to general public, Private - Single organization, though it is shared among multiple divisions or business units. , Community - Shared between a number of organizations which have common concerns and needs., Hybrid - Combination of public and private, and community, VDI - A remote server hosting a virtualized user OS, Persistent VDI - Each user runs their own copy of virtual desktop and have data and personal settings are saved, Non-persistent VDI - Shared with multiple users, no personal data/settings can be saved. Remain default setting after each used, PaaS - Offer applications developing platforms, SaaS - Offer accounts of applications login remotely, IaaS - Offer hardware and software renting remotely, Measured service - Charge by period (monthly/yearly and planned for each period), Metered service - Charge by each usage,

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