Simile - a comparison between two unlike things using the words like or as, Metaphor - a direct comparison of two unlike things, not using like or as, Personification - giving human qualities to a non‐human figure, Hyperbole - exaggeration for emphasis or humorous effect, Onomatopoeia - using words that imitate sounds, Alliteration - the repetition of initial consonant sounds, Consonance - the repetition of consonant sounds within and at the ends of words, Assonance - the repetition of vowel sounds in unrhymed words, Rhyme - the repetition of the same sounds in two or more words at the end of lines, Allusion - an indirect reference to a famous person, place, event, or literary work, Imagery - the use of descriptive language that appeals to the senses, Diction - a writer’s choice of words and sentence structure, Connotation - the additional meanings of a word, beyond its dictionary definition, Tone - an author’s attitude toward his/her subject,

Literary Devices


दृश्य शैली


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