✅ ➩ We ❀ play ❀ chess, ❌ ➩ I ❀ like ❀ pizza, ❓➩ They ❀ like ❀ sushi, ✅ ➩ We ❀ go ❀ swimming ❀ every day, ✅ ➩ You ❀ like ❀ eating ❀ shrimps, ❌ ➩ They ❀ like ❀ jogging ❀ in the morning., ❌ ➩ My cats ❀ like ❀ fish, ❓➩ You ❀ like ❀ pancakes, ❓➩ They ❀ eat ❀ fried muchrooms, ❓➩ You ❀ eat ❀ french fries ❀ with tomato or mustard, ✅ ➩ I ❀ speak ❀ English ❀ every day., ✅ ➩ I ❀ like ❀ taking photos, ❓➩ Kate and Mary ❀ play ❀ basketball, ✅ ➩ We ❀ drink ❀ tea ❀ with lemon, ❌ ➩ They ❀ drink ❀ coke.

Make a sentence Present Simple (I, We, You, they)



रैंडम कार्ड एक ओपन एंडेड टेम्पलेट है। यह लीडरबोर्ड के लिये स्कोर उत्पन्न नहीं करता है।

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