culture - set of beliefs, values, and practices that a group of people have in common, cultural diffusion - the spread of culture traits from one region to another, push factors - factors that motivate people to leave their country to migrate to another (ex. war, poverty), pull factors - factors that attract people to immigrate to another country (ex. jobs, opportunity, freedom), multicultural society - a society that includes a variety of cultures in the same area, globalization - the process in which countries are increasingly linked to each other through culture and trade, culture trait - an activity or behavior in which people often take part in, culture region - an area in which people have many shared culture traits, literacy rate - the average number of people that know how to read and write, ethnic group - a group of people who share a common culture and ancestry, cultural diversity - having a variety of cultures in the same area, social institution - an organized pattern of belief and behavior that focuses on meeting a societal need, universal theme - a message about life or human nature that is meaningful across time and in all places, popular culture - culture traits that are well-known and widely accepted, interdependence - the reliance of one country on the resources, goods, or services of another country,
Culture Vocabulary
8th Grade
Social studies
कंटेंट को एडिट करें
अधिक दिखाएं
कम दिखाएं
यह लीडरबोर्ड अभी निजी है।
पर क्लिक करें इसे सार्वजनिक करें।
इस लीडरबोर्ड को रिसोर्स ओनर ने डिसेबल कर दिया है।
यह लीडरबोर्ड डिसेबल है क्योंकि आपके विकल्प रिसोर्स ओनर से अलग हैं।
पूर्वस्थिति विकल्प
मैच अप
एक ओपन एंडेड टेम्पलेट है। यह लीडरबोर्ड के लिये स्कोर उत्पन्न नहीं करता है।
लॉग ईन आवश्यक
दृश्य शैली
सदस्यता आवश्यक है
टेम्पलेट स्विच करें
सभी दिखाएं
गतिविधि (एक्टिविटी) खेलते समय अधिक फार्मेट दिखाई देंगे।
खुले परिणाम
लिंक कॉपी करें
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