Pig Poop - Factory farms spray this into the air; it gets into the walls & stoves of homes up to 5 miles away , Corn - Factory farms damage rivers, lakes, and fish when growing this grain for burger cows to eat , Grains - Amazon forests are set fire to & cleared so factory farms can grow these for livestock to eat, Soil and Water - Large acres of forests are burned to grow grains for factory farm animals, but the pesticides sprayed on the crops damages these two, Forests - Grains are grown on land that burns down what to make room to grow them? , GMO - Harmful way to grow the grains used to feed livestock because it can damage the environment, grow more weeds, and threaten insects who are essential to the environment, Away Forever - First place the calves are taken when the mother cows give birth to them, FeedLot - Places where the trees and grass are burned so animals can be crowded in until they are turned into burgers, nuggets, bacon, and filets for people to eat,

Preservation: Free The Feed Lots


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