1) Money earned or received a) transaction b) income c) balance d) register e) budget f) expense 2) plan for spending a) register b) expense c) transaction d) income e) budget f) financial record 3) a formal record of money transactions a) financial records b) income c) register d) balanced budget e) expenses f) deposit 4) payment for goods and services a) register b) balance c) expense d) income e) budget f) transaction 5) the amount of money available in your account. a) transaction b) available balance c) fixed expense d) budget e) register f) income 6) a specific time or instance when money changes hands a) balanced budget b) income c) expenses d) register e) transaction f) financial record 7) used to keep up with money spent and money saved a) available balance b) register c) transaction d) income e) financial record f) expense 8) not spending more money than you earn a) deposit b) fixed expense c) balanced budget d) variable expense e) register f) transaction 9) expenses that stay the same amount each month a) register b) variable c) deposit d) transaction e) fixed f) budget 10) expenses that change each month a) variable b) deposit c) balanced budget d) transaction e) fixed f) income

Personal finance 5.10D & E



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