Sight: majestic cathedral, They stayed up late to watch the bright strikes of shooting stars., He gazed at the vast expanse of surging green waves before him., Smell: peppermint candles, My mother's sensitive nose perceived the smoky odor of a burning casserole., Kendra held her nose and tried not to breathe in the nasty fumes of fresh sewage., Sound: crackling logs, She loved to listen to the vibrating, buzzing tones of sitar music., The steady drumming of raindrops on the roof continued all day long., Taste: bittersweet coffee, He couldn't wait to bite into one of those perfectly ripe, sweet berries., The faintly metallic flavor of blood filled her mouth., Touch: soft lamb's wool, It was sterilized in water that was so scalding hot that Leo couldn't pick them up, As he stepped outside, he felt the sun's warmth on his face.,

Sensory Details Sorting Activity



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