Registers - Normally used for a specific purpose where data or control information is temporarily stored., Current Instruction Register (CIR) - Register that hold the instruction currently being executed., Control Unit (CU) - Directs the flow of instructions and/or data., ALU - Performs all of the mathematical calculations and logical operations in the CPU., Accumulator - The results of calculations carried out by the ALU can be temporarily stored here., Memory Address Register (MAR) - Register that either stores the memory address from which data will be fetched to the CPU or the address to which data will be sent and stored., Program Counter (PC) - Holds the address of the next instruction to be fetched from memory., Buses - Connects all of the internal components of a computer, such as CPU and memory, to the motherboard., Cache - Small area of memory. Provides fast access to frequently used instructions and data., Memory Data Register (MDR) - Register that contains the data to be stored in the computer storage.,

CPU Architecture



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