Islam - a religion based on the teachings of Muhommad, oasis - a green area in a desert fed by underground water; a water hole in the desert, sheikh - the leader of an Arab tribe, caravan - a group of traveling merchants and animals, usually camels, Quran/Koran - the holy book of Islam, shari'ah - Islamic code of law, caliph - a Muslim leader seen as a successor to Muhammad, Shia - a group of Muslims who believed the descendants of Ali should rule, Sunni - a group of Muslims who accepted the rule of the Umayyad caliphs, sultan - a Seljuk ruler, mosque - a Muslim house of worship, bazaar - a marketplace of shops, astrolabe - a tool that helps sailors find their way at sea by using the stars, minaret - a tower of a mosque from which a person calls Muslims to prayer,

Southwest Asia/North Africa Vocabulary



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