Second Great Awakening - Religious movement characterized by deep religious fervor to change self and the world, led to new denomination and reform movement, Temperance Movement - Stop people from drinking alcohol, Horace Mann - Leader of education reform, teacher training, longer school year, curriculum, Seneca Falls Conference - Women's rights conference in New York, Declaration of Sentiments - Women's rights document written at Seneca Falls, Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Women's rights leader, Susan B Anthony - Planned Seneca Falls, women's rights, Suffrage - Right to vote, Dorothea Dix - Led to reform of mental health, asylums, and prisons, Abolition - Movement to end slavery, Frederick Douglass - Escaped slave, famous writer and speaker, the North Star newspaper, William Lloyd Garrison - Famous abolitionist, The Liberator newspaper, Sojourner Truth - Famous speaker and writer on abolition and women's rights, Underground Railroad - Escape routes from the South to North for slaves, Harriet Tubman - Famous escaped slave and conductor on the Underground Railroad, Hudson River School - Artists famous for painting landscapes, Civil Disobedience - Thoreau's idea that one disobeys unfair laws as a form of protest ie not paying a tax,
Reform Movements Quiz Game
8th Grade
कंटेंट को एडिट करें
अधिक दिखाएं
कम दिखाएं
यह लीडरबोर्ड अभी निजी है।
पर क्लिक करें इसे सार्वजनिक करें।
इस लीडरबोर्ड को रिसोर्स ओनर ने डिसेबल कर दिया है।
यह लीडरबोर्ड डिसेबल है क्योंकि आपके विकल्प रिसोर्स ओनर से अलग हैं।
पूर्वस्थिति विकल्प
मैच अप
एक ओपन एंडेड टेम्पलेट है। यह लीडरबोर्ड के लिये स्कोर उत्पन्न नहीं करता है।
लॉग ईन आवश्यक
दृश्य शैली
सदस्यता आवश्यक है
टेम्पलेट स्विच करें
सभी दिखाएं
गतिविधि (एक्टिविटी) खेलते समय अधिक फार्मेट दिखाई देंगे।
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