What are the continuum stages an athlete might go through during a full year?, Define undertraining, What do you call it when the body is stressed to the extent necessary to improve physiological function and performance?, What is deemed an “average training load”, What is systematic attempt to intentionally overstress the body for a short period of training (e.g., 4 wks), How does overreaching affect performance?, What happens when the intensification of a training stimulus continues without adequate recovery and regeneration?, What is overtraining syndrome? (OTS), Can overtraining syndrome occur in resistance training?, How long can overtraining syndrome last?, How fast can overtraining syndrome be remedied?, What is the key to designing a training program?, Name 4 symptoms of overtraining syndrome, abnormal responses in the autonomic nervous system - sympathetic and parasympathetic, disturbances in endocrine function, and depressed immune function are all what types of responses with overtraining?, sympathetic overtraining occurs in what types of athletes?, Parasympathetic overtraining occurs primarily in what types of athletes?, How does sympathetic and parasympathetic overtraining affect heart rate and blood pressure?, Overtraining affects what hormones and why?, What type of overtraining appears to alter resting hormone concentrations? Has this been studied on a lot of athletes?, How can you predict overtraining?, If you were a coach, how would you provide treatment to overtraining?, If you were a coach, how would you prevent overtraining?.

Kines 165 2-9-23



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