deities - the three main ones are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva , Brahman - Hindu name for supreme power, citadel - fortress in Mohenjo-Daro, dharma - the duties and laws that Hindus follow, karma - if you live a positive life you will be reborn into a higher caste, monsoon - a strong wind that blows east in Asia, reincarnation - the rebirth of the soul in the body of another living thing, subcontinent - a large landmass that sticks out from a continent, missionary - a person who spreads his or her religious beliefs to others, samsara - the continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, caste - a social class of people, Vedas - sacred Hindu text, How did the Himalaya mountains help the people of India? - It protected them from enemies, What ancient game originated in India? - chess, Why was Asoka one of India's greatest rulers? - He was kind and thought of his people as his children,

Ancient India



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