1) turn in 2) not sleep a wink 3) to sleep over (at someone's house) 4) toss and turn all night 5) to go out like a light / to go to sleep as soon as your head hits/ touches the pillow 6) hit the sack 7) go off 8) unmade bed 9) nod off 10) be shattered 11) flake out 12) tuck in 13) drift off 14) crash out 15) lie down 16) stay up late 17) lie in 18) stop out 19) bed down 20) oversleep 21) set the alarm clock 22) doze off 23) be wide awake 24) be sound asleep 25) sleep in 26) sleep through 27) Dead to the world 28) drift off 29) sleep in 30) Sleep off 31) sleep like a rock 32) zonk out 33) somnolent 34) catch some z's 35) crib 36) get some shut-eye 37) Go to kip 38) sleep around 39) Sleeping giant 40) sleep on 41) go to bed with the chickens 42) sleep rough 43) Rise and shine 44) flake out 45) Hit the pillow/ sack/ hay 46) lose sleep over something 47) fall into a slumber 48) have trouble sleeping 49) Past the bedtime 50) retire for the night 51) sleep over 52) Doze fitfully 53) Have forty winks 54) Wait until the eleventh hour



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