1) What is the meaning of the phrase "good value"? Use it in your own sentence. 2) Convince me that it's a great idea to become a vegetarian. Use the following words: generous portions, plenty of choice, allergic to, fancy doing sth 3) Do you remember any synonyms to the phrase "increase the cost"? 4) This is a Chinese place, so it doesn't s_________ everyone. It's no good if you don't like spicy food. 5) To tip or not to tip: what's your opinion? 6) Would you rather enjoy a romantic dinner at home or go out for a night on the town? Use some phrases: I like the idea of, whereas, if it was just up to me, I'd rather, I'd prefer to 7) Translate the sentence into English: "Це ресторан, про який я тобі розповідала". 8) How do we call a person that owns a flat or house and is paid by other people for the use of it? 9) Complete the sentence: We ______ _______ _______ a bit more space to put things in, so we're covering the balcony to give us more space". 10) How do we call a dangerous neighbourhood with a high rate of crime? 11) Which phrases with the following verbs do you remember: knock down, put up, put in, share? 12) Complete the sentence: It's not _________ as big as my last place, but it's much, much cheaper. 13) Complete the sentence: I guess it would be nice to live in a __________ greener area. 14) Compare Kyiv and Warsaw. Speak at least 2 minutes using "miles better, not nearly as ... as, slightly bigger, a little less". 15) Have you ever bought something that cost you a fortune, but was definitely worth it? Speak at least 2 minutes about this. 16) Complete the sentence: I didn't get home until two fifteen, _______ ____ _____ I was late for work. 17) What is missed? I lost my wallet and had to ask a stranger for money, _________ was embarassing! 18) Is there a particular skill that you believe everyone should learn, regardless of their interests or career aspirations? Speak at least 2 mins and try to use "be useless at, be no expert, have a go, be keen on, a bit of a challenge". 19) Have you ever regretted not learning a particular skill earlier in life? Words to use: make a lot of progress, whereas, develop technique, go over sth 20) Open the brackets: "More and more people (start) their own businesses". 21) Open the brackets: "It's not a popular opinion, but I (agree) with you". 22) Open the brackets: "Why (always take) my laptop without permission?" 23) Open the brackets: "Tom (not work) today, he's taken the day off". 24) Open the brackets: "Oh my God, this soup (not taste) very good". 25) What are some negative trends that you don't really approve of? Try to use Present Simple and Present Continuous to explain your ideas. 26) Let's practice Present Simple and Present Continuous! Tell about 1-2 new skills that you're trying out now. 27) What is "a first-aid course"? Do you personally know how to provide first aid? 28) How do we call a period of time worked at night in a company? 29) Describe your ideal work place. Try to use "job market, job security, pay rise, to take time off, casual dress, night shifts". 30) Tell some interesting/funny/strange facts about your colleagues and place of work. Try to use "every now and then, as a rule, on the whole, have a habit of, tend to". 31) Complete the sentence: On the __________, I'd say I'm fairly fit. I don't _______ to have nuch energy in the evenings, so as a ________, I get up early and do things before I go to work. 32) Rephrases the sentence using "used to": I spent hours and hours listening to music when I was a teenager. 33) Rephrases the sentence using "would": I really loved the movie Star Wars when I was a kid. 34) Compare your student and adult life. Use such grammar constructions as "used to", "would" and Past SImple as much as possible. 35) Open the brackets: My life (be) much more complicated before I (get) my first mobile phone. 36) What is "self-censorship"? Do you remember where we met this word? 37) Which idiom can we use to describe that a person feels uncomfortable with something or somewhere? 38) Compare your first and current work using "used to" and "would". 39) Which phrases can you use to say "спробувати щось"? 40) Compare Ukrainian people before the war and now. Use "used to", "would" and Past Simple.
Roadmap B1 + (Unit 1-2 revision)
Roadmap B1 plus
कंटेंट को एडिट करें
अधिक दिखाएं
कम दिखाएं
यह लीडरबोर्ड अभी निजी है।
पर क्लिक करें इसे सार्वजनिक करें।
इस लीडरबोर्ड को रिसोर्स ओनर ने डिसेबल कर दिया है।
यह लीडरबोर्ड डिसेबल है क्योंकि आपके विकल्प रिसोर्स ओनर से अलग हैं।
पूर्वस्थिति विकल्प
बॉक्स खोलें
एक ओपन एंडेड टेम्पलेट है। यह लीडरबोर्ड के लिये स्कोर उत्पन्न नहीं करता है।
लॉग ईन आवश्यक
दृश्य शैली
सदस्यता आवश्यक है
टेम्पलेट स्विच करें
सभी दिखाएं
गतिविधि (एक्टिविटी) खेलते समय अधिक फार्मेट दिखाई देंगे।
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