जल्दी से बेहतर पाठ बनाएं
गतिविधि (एक्टिविटी) बनाएं
लॉग ईन करे
साईन अप
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लॉग ईन करे
साईन अप
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व्यक्तिगत जानकारी में बदलाव करें
भाषा और स्थान
लॉग आउट करें
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(Teacher initiates) I am your friend. I ask you what you want to do after school. I will start the conversation., (Student initiates) You are watching TV in the evening with a new friend. You are deciding which programs to watch. You will start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) We are planning a party together. We discuss whom to invite, what to eat and other details. I will start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) I am your host mother. My nephew is coming from France to visit and you have never met him. We will talk about his visit. I will start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) I am your friend from Senegal. You have invited me to visit you and we are talking about our schools. I will start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) Your pen pal from Montreal is coming to visit you this summer. Your friend wants to know what you will do while he/she is here. I will start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) You have just transferred to a new school. I am your friend from Algeria. You tell me about it. I will start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) I am your host mother. It is Saturday and I ask you to help with the household chores. You will tell me why you can't. I will start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) I have just moved to your neighborhood and I don't know where things in the area are. You will help me. I will start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) You are at the mall with your family. I am your friend from Morocco and want to find out who everyone is. I will start the conversation., (Student initiates) I am your friend from France. I will tell you about a class I am having trouble with and you will tell me how you feel about that class. You start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) I am a salesclerk trying to sell you something you don't want. I will start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) I am your friend. I bought a new outfit to go to a party. Tell me what you think about it. I will start the conversation., (Student initiates) I am your friend. We are talking about our siblings. Tell me how you feel about yours. You start the conversation., (Student initiates) I am your host parent. You do not feel well. Try to convince me to let you stay home. You start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) I am your friend. We are shopping and I want to buy an item of clothing. Convince me to buy a different one. I will start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) I am your host parent. Try to convince me to let you have a dog. I will start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) I am your friend. I don't like to exercise. Try to persuade me to join a sports team. I will start the conversation., (Teacher initiates) You are in France visiting a French friend. They want you to stay for dinner. Convince her that you cannot stay. I will start the conversation., You want to go to your friend's house but you have to finish your homework first. Discuss with your friend what you need to do., You are at a restaurant. You don't like the food you ordered. Discuss it with the waiter/waitress., You are invited to a party and you want to buy a new outfit. Discuss with a friend., There is a new student in our class. Make the student feel welcomed. Start a conversation with him/her., You want to go to the movies but your friend doesn't like the movies. Try to persuade them to go with you., You lost something at the hotel you were staying last night. You ask the hotel clerk for help finding the item., You have lost your phone. You need to convince your mom to buy you a new one., You want to plan a special dinner for your friends. Let's talk about what to bring, what to make., You are the president of the French Club and you want to travel to France. Convince your teacher that it is a good idea., You want to start a recycling program in your school. Discuss your idea with a friend., I am a salesperson in a department store and you need to exchange some clothing., You wish to buy a gift for your host family. Discuss with a friend for different options., I just returned from a vacation in Paris. We talk about the trip., I am talking to a member of my host family. They are going to pick me up at the airport. We discuss where and when to meet., You are on the wrong train to visit Paris. Talk to the train conductor. You start the conversation, Your host family wishes to visit you. Talk about all the activities you can do both at school and in the community., TASK: [Student Initiates] I am a teacher in (country). You are having a problem with your host family. You come to me for advice. You start the conversation., TASK: I am your friend. We have just heard the weather report and we are going to make plans for the weekend. I will start the conversation., TASK: You ordered an item from a (nationality) mail-order catalog company. You received the wrong item and you called to complain. I am the catalog representative who takes your call. I will start the conversation, [Teacher initiates] I am an officer of the [French) club. We have decided that the club should go see a [language) theatre production this year and we need to raise money for the trip. I will start the conversation., [Teacher initiates] I am your teacher. You have been late to class three times this week. We talk about it. I will start the conversation., [Teacher initiates] I am your friend. We are at a restaurant. We will talk about what we are going to order. I will start the conversation., [Teacher initiates] I am the owner of a local business. I need some extra help during the summer. I will start the conversation., [Student initiates] I am your (language) teacher. You are angry with a friend. We will talk about it. You start the conversation., [Student initiates] I am an exchange student from (country) living in your home. We are at a party. We have to be home by 10 o'clock, but you want to stay longer. You start the conversation., [Teacher initiates] You are waiting in line at the post office in (country). I am the person in line behind you and I am impatient. I will start the conversation., [Teacher initiates) I am your friend. I am in the hospital. You come to visit me. I will start the conversation., [Student initiates) I am your classmate. You are concerned about tomorrow's test and we are going to talk about it. You start the conversation., [Student initiates) I am a clerk in a department store in (country). While shopping, you have become separated from your friends. You ask me for assistance. You start the conversation., [Teacher initiates) I am your friend in (country). We are discussing similarities and differences between my school in my country and your school in the United States. I will start the conversation., [Student initiates] I am your (nationality) friend. We are in (country). You want to invite me to visit the United States. You start the conversation., 1. [Student initiates] I have an apartment for rent in (country). Your family is interested in renting it. You call me on the telephone to inquire about it. You start the conversation., 2. [Teacher initiates] I am an exchange student from (country), and I am going to live with your family for a year. We are talking about what is expected of me as part of the family. I will start the conversation., 5. [Teacher initiates] I am your host parent in (country). We are discussing the differences between and similarities of your home and mine. I will start the conversation., 6. [Student initiates] I have just arrived in the United States as an exchange student. You are having a party to welcome me. You need some information in order to introduce me. You start the conversation., 8. [Teacher initiates] I am your neighbor. You have spent the evening babysitting for my children. I have just returned home. We will talk about how the evening went. I will start the conversation., 13. [Teacher initiates] I am a police officer. You have witnessed an accident. I will be taking your statement. I will start the conversation., 14. [Student initiates] I am your friend. We are shopping together. You want to buy an article of clothing, but you do not have enough money. You start the conversation., 15. [Teacher initiates] I am your host parent in (country). We are talking about your plans for the future. I will start the conversation., 16. [Teacher initiates] I am your friend in (country). We had planned a trip by train, but we missed the train. We discuss alternate plans. I will start the conversation., 18. [Student initiates] I am your host parent in (country). You are very late returning home tonight. You will start the conversation., 20. [Teacher initiates] I am a police office in (country). You have been involved in an accident. I talk to you about it. I will start the conversation., 23. [Student initiates] I am your friend. You are planning to rearrange your room. We talk about what you plan to do. You start the conversation., 24. [Student initiates] I am a(n) (nationality) student. I have just returned from a trip. We talk about the places I visited. You start the conversation., 27. [Student initiates] I am your teacher in (country). You have a report that is due tomorrow, but you need additional time to complete the assignment. You start the conversation., 29. [Student initiates] I am your (nationality) friend. We are in (country). You want to invite me to visit the United States. You start the conversation., 32. [Student initiates] You are in (country) and you have arranged to meet friends to go to a movie. I am your taxi driver, and we are stopped in traffic. You start the conversation., 34. [Teacher initiates] I am your host parent in (country). I want to have an American-style birthday party for you. We discuss the party. I will start the conversation., 38. [Teacher initiates) I am your friend in (country). We are discussing similarities and differences between my school in my country and your school in the United States. I will start the conversation., 39. [Student initiates) I am a ticket agent at an airline counter in (country). You are concerned because your flight is not on schedule. You start the conversation., 40. [Teacher initiates) I am your neighbor. I have been out of town for a while. We will talk about what has been going on while I was away. I will start the conversation., 44. [Teacher initiates) I am your (language) teacher. School will be closed next week because of a holiday. I want to know how you are going to spend the day. I will start the conversation., 45. [Student initiates) I am a clerk in a department store in (country). While shopping, you have become separated from your friends. You ask me for assistance. You start the conversation., 49. [Teacher initiates) I am your neighbor. You are moving away and we are going to talk about it. I will start the conversation., 50. [Teacher initiates) You are in a store in (country) and you want to return an item that you bought. I am the salesclerk. I will start the conversation., 52. [Student initiates) I am your host parent (country). You come to me for permission to something. You start the conversation., 54. [Teacher initiates) You are an exchange student in (country). I am a student in one of your classes. You are being interviewed by me for a class project. I will start the conversation., 57. [Teacher initiates) I am a reporter for a(n)(nationality) newspaper. I am interviewing you about all the things you like in your school. I will start the conversation., 58. [Student initiates) I am your classmate. You are concerned about tomorrow's test and we are going to talk about it. You start the conversation., 59. [Teacher initiates) I am your friend. I am in the hospital. You come to visit me. I will start the conversation., 60. [Student initiates) I am your neighbor. You need to find a dentist and you have come to me for suggestions. You start the conversation., 61. [Teacher initiates] I am an officer of the [language) club. We have decided that the club should go see a [language) theater production this year and we need to raise money for the trip. I will start the conversation., 65. [Teacher initiates] I am your (language) teacher. Our class has decided to participate in a language fair. We are discussing possible projects. I will start the conversation., 66. [Teacher initiates] You are waiting in line to enter a museum in (country). I am a[n) (nationality) student standing in front of you. I will start the conversation., 69. [Teacher initiates] I am a clerk in an online company. You want to place an advertisement on our website. I will start the conversation., 72. [Teacher initiates] You are waiting in line at the post office in (country). I am the person in line behind you and I am impatient. I will start the conversation., 73. [Teacher initiates] You are traveling through (country) and realize that you left something in your last hotel. I am the desk clerk who answers your telephone call. I will start the conversation., 74. [Teacher initiates] You are on a school trip to (country). You go to a department store to buy something you forgot to bring with you from home. I am the salesclerk. I will start the conversation., 75. [Student initiates] I am your tour guide in (country). You want to talk about the activities planned for today. You start the conversation., 76. [Teacher initiates] I am a travel agent in (country). You have come to my agency to make plans for a trip. I will start the conversation., 77. [Student initiates] You are an exchange student at a school in (country). I am a classmate. You want to know about my family. You start the conversation., 80. [Student initiates] I am a librarian in (country). You have come to the library to look for suggestions for a school project. You start the conversation., 82. [Student initiates] I am an exchange student from (country) living in your home. We are at a party. We have to be home by 10 o'clock, but you want to stay longer. You start the conversation., 83. [Student initiates] I am a checkout clerk in a grocery store in (country). You notice I have made an error on your bill. You start the conversation., 84. [Teacher initiates] I am a counselor at a summer language camp you are attending. You do not want to participate in the activities planned for the day. I will start the conversation., 87. [Teacher initiates] I am a new student from (country) in your school. I would like to know more about after-school activities. I will start the conversation., 89. [Teacher initiates] I am a hotel clerk in (country). You need to know where to buy some items that you need. I will start the conversation., 90. [Teacher initiates] I am the owner of a local business. I need some extra help during the summer. I will start the conversation., 91. [Teacher initiates] I am your (language) teacher. A special guest from (country) will be speaking to the class next week. We talk about preparing for this visit. I will start the conversation., 93. [Teacher initiates] I am your friend. I noticed that a new building is under construction near your home. We talk about it. I will start the conversation., 94. [Student initiates] I am an exchange student from (country) visiting your language class. You are interested in knowing why I am taking part in this exchange program. You start the conversation..
Checkpoint B Speaking Tasks
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गतिविधि (एक्टिविटी) खेलते समय अधिक फार्मेट दिखाई देंगे।
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