osteoarthritis : Cartilage destruction with bone spur growth at joint ends; degenerative , Pain with activity that improves at rest , Localized inflammatory response, Usually overweight , Heberden’s and Bouchard’s nodes , Systemic involvement? No: articular , Symmetrical? No , DX: X-rays, rheumatoid arthritis: Synovial membrane inflammation resulting in cartilage destruction and bone erosion; inflammatory, Swelling, redness, warmth, pain at rest or after immobility (morning stiffness), All joints, Usually underweight, Swan neck and boutonnière deformities of hands, Systemic involvement? Yes: lungs, heart, skin, and extra-articular, Symmetrical? Yes, DX: X-rays and positive rheumatoid factor,

Characteristics of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis


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