Testes - produces sperm, testosterone, inhibin, Scrotum - keeps the testes at the proper temperature, Epididymis - site of sperm maturation and storage, Ductus deferens - duct for sperm maturation, storage, and transportation, Ejaculatory duct - duct for transporting sperm and glandular secretions, Penis - external erectile organ of sexual intercourse, Seminal vesicle - secretes fructose and most of seminal fluid, Prostate gland - secretes watery alkaline fluid to raise vaginal pH, Bulbourethral gland - secretes lubricating mucus, Spermiogenesis - maturation of sperm in epididymis, Spermatogenesis - production of sperm, TDF - gene responsible for initiating male sex determination, MIF - causes regression of the Mullerian ducts, Testosterone - causes development of the Wolffian Ducts,

Warm Up 5.8.23



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