Choose your battles: Not every little annoying behavior is worth getting worked up about. Before you ____, ask yourself if it's really ____ the energy and potential conflict. If it's something you can easily ____ off, do so. Save your energy for the bigger issues that genuinely ____ your patience. Communicate ____: If there's a specific behavior that bothers you, address it directly with your coworker. Be clear and specific about what they're doing and how it ____ you. For example, you could say, "When you talk loudly on the phone, it makes it hard for me to concentrate ____ my work. Could you please keep it ____?" Set ____: Sometimes, annoying coworkers may not realize that they're crossing a ____. In these cases, it's important to ____ clear boundaries. For instance, if a colleague constantly ____ you during meetings, politely but ____ let them know that you'd like to finish speaking before they ____ in. By asserting yourself and making your expectations known, you can help ____ future annoyances. Find common ____: It's easier to get ____ with someone when you have shared interests or goals. Look for areas of commonality with your annoying coworker, whether it's a hobby, a favorite sports team, or a ____ dislike of office politics. Building a ____ based on shared experiences can help ____ a more positive relationship and reduce ____ in the workplace. Focus on ____: Annoying behaviors are often a result of someone's own ____ or frustrations. Try to put yourself in their ____ and understand why they might be acting the way they are. Maybe your coworker constantly interrupts others because they're afraid of being ____, or perhaps they engage in excessive office ____ because they feel isolated. By approaching the situation with empathy, you may find it easier to deal with their annoying habits. Minimize contact: If all else ____, limit your ____ with the coworker who consistently ____ you. This doesn't mean completely ignoring them or refusing to work together when necessary; rather, it ____ focusing on your own tasks and projects and avoiding unnecessary small talk or socializing. Whenever possible, seek out opportunities to ____ with colleagues who bring ____ the best ____ you and make you feel more positive about your work environment.

FCE 23.09.23



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