Which megilah to you read on Shavuot? - Ruth, On which day of Shavuot do we read the megilah? - 2nd day, What types of foods do we have a custom to eat on Shavuot? - Dairy, Why do we eat that kind of food? - The Jewish people were taught new kosher dietary laws, only allowing them to prepare easy to eat foods like? dairy., Why do we decorate our homes and shuls with flowers and other greenery on Shavuot? - To remind us of the flowers that were on Mount Sinai., What is Tikkun Leil Shavuot? - We stay up all night on the 1st night of Shavuot studying Torah. , Who was Naomi? - Ruth's mother-in-law, Who was Ruth? - A Moabite who became a famous convert, Who was Orpah? - Naomi's second daughter-in-law, What happened to the husbands of Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah? - They all passed away, Who was the great-grandson of Ruth and Boaz? - King David, Why we do we read megilah Ruth on Shavuot? - Because King David passed away on Shavuot.,

Shavuot Part 2



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