Fui - I went, Fuiste - You went, Fue - He/She went, Fuimos - We went, Fuisteis - You all went, Fueron - They were, Fui a Francia - I went to France, Fuiste a Inglaterra - You went to England, Fue a Italia - He went to Italy, Fuimos a Gales - We went to Wales, Fuisteis a Irlanda - You all went to Ireland, Fueron a Escocia - They went to Scotland, Fuimos a España - We went to Spain, Fui con mi familia - I went with my family, fue con sus padres - She went with her parents, Fuimos con la clase - We went with the class, Fueron con sus amigos - They went with their friends, Fuimos en avión - We went by plane, Fue en tren - He went by train, Fueron en barco - They went by boat, Fuisteis en autocar - You all went by coach, Fui en coche - I went by car,

Viva 2 past holidays Ir



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