Take a deep breath! and do Floss dance, 100 more than 524 is ______, ________ more than 352 is 362  , Stand up! Bee-bop Dance!, _____more than 600 is 601, Stand up ! Boom Chicka Boom Dance!, Animal Dance and Freeze, Pat on your shoulder and say "good job ME!", 10 more than _____ is 734, 100 less than 878 is ________, 10 less than 241 is _____, stand up ! Floss dance, 10 more than 239 is ________, Stretch your arms ! , ________ more than 467 is 567, Stand up! Animal Dance and Freeze!, Stand up ! Boom Chicka Boom, 1    less than 171 is ______, 10 less than 355 is ______, stand up ! Floss dance .

1, 10, 100 More Than and Less Than



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