1) what do the letters EYFS stand for ? a) every young farmer smells b) each yeti fancies Selena c) early years foundation stage 2) list four skills a practitioner needs when working with children a) patience b) a second language c) a first aid quaification d) good communication skills e) commitment f) kindness 3) two reasons to involve the child in planning their own learning a) builds confidence b) meets their needs c) respectful d) they can refuse to participate e) takes pressure off you f) lets you go for a break 4) name 6 careers in childcare a) nanny b) au pair c) nursery nurse d) EYFS practitioner e) nurse f) teacher 5) a special educational needs coordinator title can be abbreviated to :- a) SENCO b) SNEDCO c) SOCEND d) SENDCO e) DENSCO f) ENDSCO 6) what is a PANDCO involved with a) Pastoral b) physical care c) palliative care d) paediatrics e) physical and nutrition f) night time care 7) what was introduced in 1870 a) traffic lights b) uber drivers c) Au Pairs d) compulsory Education e) colleges f) Access for females to apply for University 8) what does statutory mean a) its optional b) its available to children under 4 years old c) it is the Law d) it can be opted out e) it doesn't move f) it can be bought on Amazon 9) what was introduced in the UK in 1944 a) Dominoes pizzas b) your grandma c) education could be bought from a school d) free education e) mixed classes of boys and girls f) the first female to allowed to become a teacher 10) who do childcare settings get monitored by a) DfE b) OFSTED c) OFFSTED d) DBS e) CQC f) BBC



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