Accumulator - Used to store the results of calculations carried out in the ALU., A reference for a specific location in RAM. - A reference for a specific location in RAM., Address bus - Used to carry memory addresses from the CPU to RAM and input/output devices., ALU - The part of the CPU where calculations are done and decisions are made., Cache - A type of high-speed random access memory (RAM) which is built into the CPU . It is used to temporarily hold data and instructions that the CPU is likely to reuse / uses frequently., CIR - Used to store the instruction that is currently being decoded and executed., Clock speed - A measure of how many instructions a CPU can process in a second. It is measured in Gigahertz (GHz) and a clock speed of 3.5 GHz means that a CPU can perform 3.5 billion FDE cycles a second., Control bus - Used to carry control signals from the CPU to other components., Core - A ........ is a complete processing unit within the CPU.  It has its own ALU, Control Unit and Registers, Control unit - The part of the CPU which directs the flow of instructions and/or data and coordinates the other parts of the CPU., Data bus - Used to carry data and instructions between the CPU and RAM., Decode - The part of the FDE cycle where the Control Unit works out what the instruction means., Execute - The part of the FDE cycle where data processing actually takes place., Fetch - The part of the FDE cycle where an instruction or data is collected from RAM., MAR - Used to store the address of the current instruction that needs to be fetched from RAM or the address in RAM to which data is to be transferred, MDR - Used to store the contents fetched from an address in RAM or data which needs to be transferred back to RAM., PC - Used to store the address of the next instruction in the sequence to be executed. It increments each time an instruction has been fetched., Register - A small amount of high-speed memory contained within the CPU. Registers are used by the CPU to store small amounts of data that are needed during processing.,

Systems Architecture



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