Excuse me, where is the .... for tickets to the concert? It's just around the corner, in front of the arena. - box office, Wow, look at the huge ....waiting to get into the ...! I know, it's going to be a packed game today. - crowd, stadium, We have a 15-minute .....before the next act starts - interval, The .....are chanting the team's name. They must be excited. - spectators, I have two extra tickets for the ....tonight. Do you want to come? - performance, What's the ....? I can't see the scoreboard from this row. It's 2-2 right now. - score, Can you see the ...from here? No, I think we're too far back - stage, The.... just blew. Our team won! Yes, they played their hearts out. What a great game. - final whistle, The ....gave a standing ovation at the end of the concert. I'm not surprised, the performers were incredible. - audience, The .....is about to go up. Let's find our seats quickly. Yes, I don't want to miss the beginning of the show. - curtain, I can't wait to see the new ....being built. - arena, The ...are going wild after that goal! - fans,




फ्लैश कार्ड एक ओपन एंडेड टेम्पलेट है। यह लीडरबोर्ड के लिये स्कोर उत्पन्न नहीं करता है।

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