oogenesis - the creation of one haploid cell capable of being fertilized, Thecal cells - produce androgens in response to LH, Granulosa cells - convert androgens to estradiol, Primary Follicle - A few upregulated FSH receptors to respond to FSH, Secondary Follicle  - A few primary follicles develop because these have upregulated their receptors faster than the other follicles, Ovulation - LH Surge, the follicular wall ruptures and releases oocyte and corona radiata into the pelvis near fimbriae of the fallopian tube, Corpus luteum - Remains of the ruptured follicle due to LH. This secretes progesterone, LH - Controls the menstrual cycle and triggers release of the egg, FSH  - Stimulates the follicles on the ovary to grow and prepare the eggs for ovulation., GnRH  - Causes the release of FSH and LH from the hypothalamus, Inhibin - Inhibits FSH secretion without suppressing LH, limiting follicular development, Acrosome - structure of sperm that releases hyaluronidase, Fast Block - Na+ channels open over 1 to 3 seconds in the plasma membrane and cause a large depolarizing current, hCG - maintains corpus luteum and produces progesterone and estrogen to maintain the functional layer of the uterus, Neurulation - development of nervous system,

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