subjects - people under the control of a king or prince (noun), profane - blasphemous / disrespectful of religious morals (adjective), defile - destroy the purity of something (verb), pious - overtly saintly or Christian (adjective), piety - noun of pious, violate - to break a rule or damage something sacred (verb), impious - the opposite of pious (adjective), desecrate - to damage/ destroy something sacred (verb), malevolent - evil / with bad intentions (adjecive), pernicious - to do something for no reason but to cause hurt (adjective), partisan - biased. Favouring one side over another. (adjective), perjury - the act of lying (typically under oath). (noun), dissembler - someone who gives a false appearance / pretends to be someone they're not (noun), bower - overarching tree branches providing shade (noun), chide - to reprimand / tell off (verb), yonder - over there (old preposition), vestal - ________ virgins: priestesses of Diana , livery - a special uniform worn by servants or soldiers (n), discourse - discussion or debate (n), ethereal - so delicate, light and fleeting, almost spiritual (adj), blank verse - maintains meter but not rhyme (n), relief - throw into ______: highlight something (v),

English Lit vocab 1


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