currency - type of money used by a group, The construction of The Great Wall of China - What was one of Shi Huangdi's greatest achievements?, Confucius - China's first professional teacher, Dike - Protective wall that controls or holds back water that early chinese used to protect their land, Extended family - closely related people of several generations, It was a trade route that connects China with the West - Why was the Silk Road important?, Loess - A yellow-brown soil, Family - What was the most important elements in early Chinese life?, Set a good example by behaving well - Confucius believed that people in authority should do what?, The Qin Dynasty - What dynasty built the Great Wall China, Warload - A local leader of an armed group, Silk - Valuable cloth made only in China, Shi Huangdi - Founder of Qin dynasty and China's first emperor,

6th social studies



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