make a fortune - He always knew he would ________ _ __________ investing in real estate. (делать состояние), well-off - Despite being ____-___, she preferred to live a simple life. (состоятельный), filthy rich - The CEO was ________ _____, with mansions all over the world. (wealthy), obscene amount of money - She spent an ____________ ___________ ___ __________ on designer handbags. (неприличная сумма денег), extra mile - When it came to customer service, they always went the _____ ____. (делать больше, чем следует), beyond means - They lived _____ there _____ by constantly eating out at expensive restaurants. (жить не по счетам), tight-fisted - His reputation for being _____-_____ made him unpopular among his friends. (stingy), rainy day - It's important to save for a _____ ___ to ensure financial security. (черный день), live within means - Even though they were wealthy, they chose to ____ ______ their _____. (жить по счетам), kept track of - She always ____ _____ __ her expenses to avoid overspending. (отслеживать), On a whim - __ _ ____, she decided to book a spontaneous trip to Paris., impulse - The new gadget was just an _______ purchase made without much thought., fritter away - Instead of saving, she would _______ money ____ on useless items.,

Money vocab (B2-C2)



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