1) The Yuan Dynasty was ruled by whom? a) the Mongols b) the Mings c) the Hans d) the Qins 2) The Yuan Dynasty introduced which product? a) paper mills b) porcelain c) jade jewelry d) paper money 3) Which product did the Yuan Dynasty make use of? a) silk clothing for government officials b) solar power to move armies across China c) gunpowder for long-range weapons d) corn grown from neighboring countries 4) The Yuan Empire was founded by an illiterate nomad named? a) Han Shuang b) Genghis Khan c) Marco Polo d) Confusious 5) What is one cause of the downfall of the Yuan Dynasty? a) overspending and descendant wealth b) the bubonic plague pandemic c) death of the emperor d) famine 6) ___________, such as natural disasters and poverty left the people desperate and rebellious and saw them as a sign the Yuan had upset the Heavens. a) Sacred premonitions  b) Myths c) Folklore d) Omens 7) Genghis (The Great Khan) is not his real name. What is his real name? a) Temujin b) Chagatai c) Jochi d) Tolui 8) Genghis Khan installed one of the first international postal systems called ______________. a) Pony Express b) Mountain Rangers c) Khan Express Mounts d) Yam

Yuan Dynasty


दृश्य शैली


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