1) Who was Saint Nicholas before he became a Christmas symbol? a) Emperor b) Bishop c) King 2) Where was Saint Nicholas born? a) Italy b) Northern Europe c) Southern Anatolia 3) What act of kindness is Saint Nicholas most famous for? a) Paying dowries for three daughters b) Building churches 4) What was Saint Nicholas known to calm with his prayers? a) Firestorms b) Rainstorms c) Seе storms d) Sea storms 5) What did Dutch settlers in New York rename Sinterklaas? a) Father Christmas b) Santa Claus c) Kris Kringle 6) What holiday influenced Christmas traditions the most? a) Easter b) Saturnalia c) Halloween 7) In the 1800s, where did Americans believe Santa Claus lived? a) The North Pole b) The South Pole c) In the Netherlands 8) What popular poem helped shape the modern image of Santa Claus? a) The Night Before Christmas b) A Christmas Carol c) Winter Wonderland 9) Which artist solidified Santa’s modern look? a) Vincent van Gogh b) Thomas Nast c) Leonardo da Vinci 10) What unique feature is attributed to Sinterklaas' celebrations in the Netherlands? a) Role reversals and public drunkenness b) Wild hunting games c) Snowman contests

History-Makers: Saint Nicholas to Santa Claus


दृश्य शैली


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