Adult education English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) Past Simple Tense
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10.000+ rezultata za 'adult education esol past simple tense'
Simple Past Verbs
Razvrstaj u grupe
What did they do? Town centre scene
HDW - E2 - Past Simple - Irregular verbs
Spoji parove
Past Simple irregular & regular verbs NEF Ele 5C
Slika s oznakama
past tense questions and answers
Spoji parove
Stuck in a lift! Past simple or continuous? Nav Pre-Int 3.2
Dovršavanje rečenice
Past simple or continuous? Nav Pre Int 3.2
Dovršavanje rečenice
Past simple jumbled sentences
Past simple questions NEF Ele 5C
Ten common irregular verbs NEF 5C
Spoji parove
Tenses - Missing Word
Dovršavanje rečenice
Simple past tense 3
Pronađi par
V1, V2 or V3 Sorting Task
Razvrstaj u grupe
Irregular verbs spinner 3
Čudnovati kotač
Irregular verbs spinner 2
Čudnovati kotač
Irregular verbs spinner 1
Čudnovati kotač
Irregular verbs spinner 4
Čudnovati kotač
past tense / French.
Televizijski kviz
Present simle and present continuous questions
Čudnovati kotač
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)
Spoji parove
Match past simple and base verbs
Igra pamćenja
Past simple questions
Otvori kutiju
V1 and V2 Sorting Task
Razvrstaj u grupe
Past Simple or Present Perfect
Otvori kutiju
Past Simple Sentences
Čudnovati kotač
Past Simple Sentence Formation (2)
Adverbs of Frequency Timeline
Slika s oznakama
Beginner questions (sharing information about self)
Čudnovati kotač
Alphabet Order - lower case
irregular past tense 2
Present Simple Negative
Razvrstaj u grupe
Present simple - auxiliary do/does (negatives, questions)
Dovršavanje rečenice
Colin Brodie gapfill
Dovršavanje rečenice
Present Simple Wheel
Čudnovati kotač
irregular red, blue, purple, yellow group
Igra pamćenja
Past perfect
Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Pronađi par
Past perfect 2
Spoji parove
Present continuous /simple present
Čudnovati kotač
Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Pronađi par
Present simple questions- word order
Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL)
Kartice za okretanje