Key Stage 1 Mathematics Geometry
Primjeri sadržaja naše zajednice korisnika
10.000+ rezultata za 'ks1 maths geometry'
2D Shape
Otvori kutiju
2D Shapes!
Čudnovati kotač
Sides of shapes
Točno ili netočno
2d shape match up
Spoji parove
3D shapes, names and faces
Razvrstaj u grupe
TLC: Can I recognise and name 2D shapes?
Spoji parove
Shape descriptions
Pronađi par
2D Shapes
Razvrstaj u grupe
Shape Memory Game
Gledajte i pamtite
2D shape sort
Razvrstaj u grupe
2D Shape
Slika s oznakama
CURVED-Find the 2D shapes with curved sides
Uhvati krticu
2D Shape Properties
Pronađi par
Guess the shape
Pronađi par
2D Shape Match
Igra pamćenja
Name the 2D shape
Televizijski kviz
3D shapes
Polygon Match Up
Spoji parove
2D Shapes
Igra pamćenja
Properties of 3D Shapes
Pronađi par
Tajanstvena slika
Left and Right
Razvrstaj u grupe
2d and 3d shape wheel
Čudnovati kotač
Siapiau 2D
Spoji parove
3D shape sort
Razvrstaj u grupe
STRAIGHT-Find the 2D shapes with straight sides
Uhvati krticu
Name that 3D shape!
Čudnovati kotač
Sort the object by their 3D shape name
Razvrstaj u grupe
numbers 1-5 matching
Igra pamćenja
Height and length-GD
Ordering Units of Time
Razvrstaj u grupe
What can you see? 3 or not 3?
Točno ili netočno
How many?
Čudnovati kotač
Spoji parove
Gsorting 2D and 3D shapes
Razvrstaj u grupe
Adding to 20
Number bonds to 10 match up KS1
Spoji parove
0-10 spinner
Čudnovati kotač
number bonds to 100 multiples of 10
Spoji parove
Fraction sort 2
Razvrstaj u grupe
Days of the Week
Odd and Even Numbers
Two digit number wheel
Čudnovati kotač
Number Bonds to 10
Pronađi par
Random wheel1 numbers 1 - 20
Čudnovati kotač
match teen numbers with numicon
Pronađi par
number names and numerals to 20
Pronađi par
Are these doubles or not doubles?
Točno ili netočno
ordinal number match up
Spoji parove
0-20 spinner
Čudnovati kotač
Matching pairs shapes
Igra pamćenja