Primjeri sadržaja naše zajednice korisnika
1.871 rezultata za 'technology'

Igra pamćenja

Phrasal verbs -technology

Positive impacts of technology
Otvori kutiju

Igra pamćenja

Cooking Methods
Televizijski kviz

Čudnovati kotač

Matching activity with Google Apps
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grown, reared, caught
Razvrstaj u grupe

British Food Matching Activity
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Seasonal Foods (Fruits & Vegetables)
Razvrstaj u grupe

Types of Seafood (GCSE Food and Nutrition)
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Kitchen Safety Starter
Slika s oznakama

Food Labels
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Foods from the eatwell guide

Foods Around The World Country Picker!
Čudnovati kotač

Which group does it belong to?
Razvrstaj u grupe

Food sources
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Types of vegetables
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Spoji parove

Staple Foods Lesson
Čudnovati kotač

Cooking Methods sorting activity
Igra pamćenja

Nutrients & their function
Spoji parove

Food Poisoning

Food Provenance - cultural dishes
Igra pamćenja

Farm to Fork Quiz

la Technologie / "Je" form
Spoji parove

Using technology GG2
Pronađi par

Spreadsheets and Computer Hardware
Spoji parove

Smart Materials
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Religion and nutrition
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Special Diets
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Health and Safety in the Textiles Classroom
Dovršavanje rečenice

Pastry Products - Name that pastry!
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Functions of Ingredients - Pastry
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Food and Nutrition

Protein Sorting activity HBV & LBV
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Fruit types
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Hazards and Controls
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Food Allergens

Hospitality & Catering Establishments
Otvori kutiju

Health and safety symbols
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Special Diets
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Religious Diets
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Food Poisoning Key Terms
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Object or material?
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material properties - harder
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Sustainability - Positive & Negative impacts of Design
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material properties - easy
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Command words
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A few questions about technology
Čudnovati kotač
6rs of sustainability
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CAD/CAM - Advantages and Disadvantages
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Food Groups KS1
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Listen and number the pictures 3/1
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