Primjeri sadržaja naše zajednice korisnika
49 rezultata za 'emphatic'

Emphatic sentences for Advanced students
Dovršavanje rečenice

Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Emphatic structures for advanced and proficiency
Otvori kutiju

emphatic phrases
Izmiješane kartice

Emphatic constructions
Dovršavanje rečenice

The Crown. Emphatic constructions

Insight. Emphatic Constructions
Razvrstaj u grupe

Emphatic Constructions. Insight
Izmiješane kartice

Emphatic structures for advanced and proficiency
Otvori kutiju

Emphatic do
Flash kartice

Emphatic Structures

Emphatic Structures

Emphatic tags
Otvori kutiju

Emphatic DO
Izmiješane kartice

Emphatic Do
Čudnovati kotač

Emphatic do
Izmiješane kartice

Emphatic structures
Čudnovati kotač

Emphatic stuctures
Izmiješane kartice

Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Emphatic structures 9.1
Čudnovati kotač

Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Emphatic structures Outcomes Upper
Spoji parove

Emphatic structures unit 11
Otvori kutiju

Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Emphatic structures practice
Flash kartice

Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Emphatic Structures and Inversion

Outcomes Emphatic tag
Točno ili netočno

Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Emphatic structures 2
Otvori kutiju

Emphatic language 2
Razvrstaj u grupe

Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Emphatic language + structure
Razvrstaj u grupe

Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Emphatic do does did
Televizijski kviz

Emphatic Language – Inversions & Cleft Sentences
Spoji parove

Continue these emphatic sentences Nastya
Otvori kutiju

Continue these emphatic sentences b2+
Otvori kutiju

Outcomes Upper Emphatic structures create sentences
Izmiješane kartice

Outcomes C1 U3L1 More informal emphatic structures
Spoji parove

Cleft sentences - Continue these emphatic sentences
Otvori kutiju

Think 4 U3 Emphatic do/did
Televizijski kviz

FCE part 1 questions with emphatic strucutres
Čudnovati kotač