Adult Education Pronunciation
Primjeri sadržaja naše zajednice korisnika
6.969 rezultata za 'adults pronunciation'
How to say the 's' sound
Razvrstaj u grupe
Place phonetic crossword
-ed pronunciation
Uhvati krticu
Personal Pronouns
CCLC add a syllable? -ed past tense
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-ed Endings Pronunciation wheel
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Past Simple Regular - Pronunciation
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Past tense: "-ed" pronunciation
Razvrstaj u grupe
Spanish Alphabet Pronunciation Random Wheel
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AVID Ice breaker - For Adults
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Verb to be - right or wrong
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Pronunciation "th" as theta (as in Spanish zeta)
Izmiješane kartice
Pronunciation /s/ - /z/ in sentences
Izmiješane kartice
Simple Presente 'like' (- and +)
Točno ili netočno
Uncramble the sentences.
a - an
-ed Endings Pronunciation
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Spoji parove
Zoo animals--adults and babies
Spoji parove
Talk About...
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Past Simple Regular Verbs - Pronunciation
Razvrstaj u grupe
1.Pronunciation l-r sentences
Izmiješane kartice
Pronunciation sentences
Izmiješane kartice
PPE, Aula 3, Vocabulário: Nacionalidades
Spoji parove
PPE, Vocabulário: Cumprimentos 2
Dovršavanje rečenice
Last Weekend Questions Reg & Irreg
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days of the week and months
Pronađi par
Welcome Unit- Wheel of Questions (ESL Getting to Know You!)
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/thr/ pronunciation of words in sentences
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adults personality and appearance
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Izmiješane kartice
Igra pamćenja
UNIT 10B EF PreIntermediate | Phrasal Verbs
Kartice za okretanje
Weather words
Past Tense Pronunciation
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Talent/Skill Vocab Pronunciation
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Unit 6 - Personality adjectives
Spoji parove
English for Job Search _ Get to Know You
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Digraph 4: "th"
Razvrstaj u grupe
countable and uncountable - dialogues
Dovršavanje rečenice
At the Grocery Store, Part 2/4
Slika s oznakama
At the Grocery Store, Part 1/4
Slika s oznakama
English vocabulary: Verb phrases 2
Spoji parove
How do you feel when...
Otvori kutiju
Syllable Stress
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Past Passive (Level 3B) What is the past passive of the following sentences?
Izmiješane kartice
Word Sort 2: Count and Noncount Nouns
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Negative Prefixes + Adjectives
Razvrstaj u grupe
Simple Past Tense Review
Televizijski kviz
Getting to Know You Questions
Čudnovati kotač
Possessive Adjectives & Subject Pronouns
Dovršavanje rečenice