Barton 7
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10.000+ rezultata za 'barton 7'
Barton Level 7.2 - spelling
Barton Level 7.1-7.2 BOOM! You're It.
Izmiješane kartice
Barton Level 7.4 Vowel + R + Suffix, Drop, Double, Change Rules
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AR and ER say /air/
Čudnovati kotač
Barton 7.7 /ar/ /er/ /or/
Barton 7.8 Whats my Vowel Sound?
7.9 AIR arr/err word sort
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Barton 7.10 ORY or ARY
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Barton 7.5 /er/ or /ore/ which vowel sound?
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Barton 7.11 Vowel R-plus R and Prefix IR
Igra pamćenja
4.7 Compound Word Match Up
Spoji parove
Barton Level 3 Sight Word: Find the "what" moles
Uhvati krticu
Barton 5.2 Consonanant Suffixes sentences
Dovršavanje rečenice
Barton 4.5 Use EX rule
Izmiješane kartice
Barton 4.5 Happy Rule Whack a Mole
Uhvati krticu
3.10 Contractions "your" vs. "you're"
Dovršavanje rečenice
Barton 4.1 open and closed syllables
Razvrstaj u grupe
3.9 Blending and Spelling Digraphs /ch/ /ck/ and units (betting game)
Kviz pobjede i poraza
3.3 Sight Words II
Igra pamćenja
5.6 BOOM Soccer
Izmiješane kartice
Barton 2.4 vowels: a, i, o, u
Pronađi par
Don`t let the Parrot Snatch your cards: AR+R and ER+R
Izmiješane kartice
k/ck word Sort - shared
Razvrstaj u grupe
Spilled the Milk (c/ck) - shared copy
Izmiješane kartice
Barton 5.1 Extra Practice Page 2
Kviz pobjede i poraza
Barton 5.3 Doubling Rule for Suffixes
Kviz pobjede i poraza
Sight Words (tricky pairs up to Barton level 4.4 )
Kviz pobjede i poraza
Barton 4.2 Syllable Division Rule #1
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Barton 4.5 Almost All
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Barton Level 4.3 (2 syllable words) match up
Pronađi par
Barton 4.7 Read these words
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Barton 3.3 Lots of cards/toucans
Izmiješane kartice
Barton 4.14 Vowel Team Rule Sort
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Barton 4.5 Happy Rule Hangman
3.1 rhyming -nt -nd blends and friends #1
Igra pamćenja
Spoji parove
Barton Level 2: B, P, Q, or D?
Kviz pobjede i poraza
Barton 5.3 Double Rule Sort
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Barton 5.7 tion vs. sion sort
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Barton: Syllable Division 1 or 2
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Barton 3.4 Blends and Digraph Blends
Televizijski kviz
Barton 4.4 Music Trick
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Barton 5.6 The Change Rule: Y to I for suffixes
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