English language arts 8 9
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Final Blends Balloon Pop

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Drawing Conclusions 3
Izmiješane kartice

Drawing Conclusion 1
Televizijski kviz

Vowel Men
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Character and Setting 2
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Let's Go to the Moon Sight Word Practice
Dovršavanje rečenice

Text Features

Sequence of Events Practice
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Common and Proper Nouns
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Glued Sounds Review
Televizijski kviz

Drawing Conclusions 2
Čudnovati kotač

Final Blends Word Sort
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Find the sport!

Dr. Seuss Assessment

Vowel men Balloon Pop

Leo the Late Bloomer
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Juguemos a utilizar verbos
Televizijski kviz

ur and ir sort
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AR Main Idea/Topic Sentence Match It
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ff, ss, ll, best friends at the end word sort
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-un, -ug, ut, -up Word Lists

-ack, -am, -an Word List

Čudnovati kotač

Barton Level 8 Vowel Teams
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Colours + sound

-ock, -op, -ot Word List

-un, -ub, -ut, -ug Word List

SATIPN (letters match)
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APUSH Periods 8 and 9
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/ch/ Initial Words Woozle Game
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SH Hangman

/sh/ words all positions Woozle game
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/s/ words all positions woozle game
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/s-blends/ Woozle game
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L Words Gameshow All Positions
Televizijski kviz

Barton 8.12 EU and TU
Uhvati krticu

8.13 Split the vowels or not?
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Barton 8.13 Split Vowels
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8.9 OU What does it say? Focus on the "ou" part of the word.
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6 ELA Unit 2 Vocabulary 11-20 Match Up
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Word Work
Čudnovati kotač
Tomas Rivera Supporting Details Activity
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Drawing Conclusions 3
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Level 9 Rule Match 9.1-9.4
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Level 9 Sight Words Review All
Izmiješane kartice
Barton Level 5.9 Sight Words
Letterland Unit 9
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Barton Level 8 Advanced Vowel Team Sorting
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8-9 Multiplication Flashcards
Flash kartice
Skills 9 Tricky Words Lesson 3
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Vehicles Anagram
Making Inferences #8
/L/ words all positions Woozle game
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