English language arts Speech
Primjeri sadržaja naše zajednice korisnika
10.000+ rezultata za 'ela speech'

Final /g/
Otvori kutiju

High frequency /th/ words
Čudnovati kotač

Medial /l/
Čudnovati kotač

Voiceless /th/
Čudnovati kotač

/f/ minimal pairs (stopping)
Tajanstvena slika

/l/ Words - Probe (Init, Med, Final)
Čudnovati kotač

Christmas Match Up /sh/ /ch/ /j/ words
Igra pamćenja

sh words

Initial Bilabials
Čudnovati kotač

Regular, Past Present Future Tense Verbs
Otvori kutiju

Prevocalic R
Čudnovati kotač

/k/ All Positions
Čudnovati kotač

Mixed /l/ blends
Čudnovati kotač

sh sound words
Uhvati krticu

Irregular Past Tense Verbs
Otvori kutiju

er sound words for speech

High Frequency SH Words
Čudnovati kotač

short e and short i
Čudnovati kotač

Vocalic 'r'
Uhvati krticu

Wh Question Keywords
Razvrstaj u grupe

conjunctions: and, but
Otvori kutiju

Summer vocabulary Matching
Slika s oznakama

conjunctions: so, but, because
Dovršavanje rečenice

Categories - Animals, Food, Clothes
Otvori kutiju

Categories - Name 4
Izmiješane kartice

Conversational Level SH
Čudnovati kotač

R-Blends CR/KR
Otvori kutiju

Final consonant Deletion
Uhvati krticu

WH question sort
Pronađi par

Sea animals sorting
Pronađi par

/SH/ Activity
Igra pamćenja

Čudnovati kotač

Which Would You Rather Have
Čudnovati kotač

Stuttering techniques
Čudnovati kotač

Articulation Initial R and L
Igra pamćenja

Igra pamćenja

Irregular plurals
Televizijski kviz

Dovršavanje rečenice

Semantic Absurdities
Čudnovati kotač

Homonyms Sort
Razvrstaj u grupe

He/She/They pronoun matching
Igra pamćenja
Final ts words
Čudnovati kotač
Čudnovati kotač
Expected or Unexpected?
Razvrstaj u grupe
I like....
Čudnovati kotač
Problem solving secondary level
Čudnovati kotač
What am I?
Vocalic /r/ (or + air) coarticulated w/ prevocalic /r/
Igra pamćenja
Figures of Speech
Razvrstaj u grupe
Vocalic-r sentences coarticulated with consonant-r
Dovršavanje rečenice
Articulation: S/Z Final Words
Čudnovati kotač
Medial CH
Igra pamćenja
Televizijski kviz
Articulation - th words
Gledajte i pamtite