Primjeri sadržaja naše zajednice korisnika
10.000+ rezultata za 'reading'
10.5b DIS, DIF, DI or DE Don't Be Disruptive
Čudnovati kotač
10.7 (#1) Greek Combining forms
Pronađi par
4.3 (#1) Division rule 2
Spoji parove
6.13 Don't Get Frazzled
Izmiješane kartice
3 Sight Words Don't Be Greedy
Izmiješane kartice
6.6 Don't be greedy (Koalas)
Izmiješane kartice
5.8 prefixes -un, -dis Flip tiles
Pronađi par
9.4 -que ending
Barton Book 5 Review
Sight Words (tricky pairs up to Barton level 4.4 )
Kviz pobjede i poraza
9.9 (#2) /g/ as gue
3.8 Don't Be Greedy (iguana)
Izmiješane kartice
Barton Level 4.3 (2 syllable words) match up
Pronađi par
3.6 Fluency Drill Phrases
Spoji parove
Barton Level 7.4 Vowel + R + Suffix, Drop, Double, Change Rules
Razvrstaj u grupe
Barton 4.5 Almost All
Razvrstaj u grupe
Barton 4.7 Read these words
Razvrstaj u grupe
Barton 4.2 Syllable Division Rule #1
Razvrstaj u grupe
7.4a Don't Be scared or scarred
Izmiješane kartice
3.11 Kind Old Units
Pronađi par
5.6b change y to i exceptions
Televizijski kviz
4.8 Don`t be windswept
Izmiješane kartice
3.3 Don't Be Greedy grump
Izmiješane kartice
Barton 3.4
Razvrstaj u grupe
8.3a create real words
Spoji parove
Barton 5.3 Double Rule Sort
Razvrstaj u grupe
Barton Level 2: B, P, Q, or D?
Kviz pobjede i poraza
8.8 Don't Be Foolish
Izmiješane kartice
Barton 5.7 tion vs. sion sort
Razvrstaj u grupe
8.5 -ie word sort
Razvrstaj u grupe
6.5 -dge or -ge?
Televizijski kviz
6.9 Don't Be Greedy Vulture
Izmiješane kartice
9.2a wr Silent Consonants
Uhvati krticu
3.2 Beginning Blend -sl
10.4 AD family
Televizijski kviz
9.6 8-Hangman Sentences
6.11a Don't Be A Menace
Izmiješane kartice
Barton Level 6 Sight Words
Izmiješane kartice
Barton 3.5 Floss Rule Anagram
Barton 4.5 Use EX rule
Izmiješane kartice
Barton Level 3 Sight Word: Find the "what" moles
Uhvati krticu
3.4 Don`t be greedy
Izmiješane kartice
/d/ or /t/ initial sound
Televizijski kviz
Barton 3.6 review
Barton 5.2 Consonanant Suffixes sentences
Dovršavanje rečenice
Barton 3.3 Fluency Phrases - Ferrets
Otvori kutiju
8.12 Don't be truant
Izmiješane kartice
6.5 dge or ge - Word Sort
Razvrstaj u grupe
Barton 9 French Quiz
7.5 Don't Be A Greedy Alligator
Izmiješane kartice
6.9 Unit: Ture Match word w/ definition
Spoji parove
5.6a change y to i
Televizijski kviz
4.7 Compound Word Match Up
Spoji parove