Spelling Sounds in syllables
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10.000+ rezultata za 'spelling sounds in syllables'
Open Syllables vs. Closed Syllables
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Sound Sort : /e/ or /i/
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CVC Syllable Division
Flash kartice
ch or tch?
short i vs short e sound : GOTCHA
Izmiješane kartice
Final Sound Match
Spoji parove
Heart Words
Čudnovati kotač
Short i vs. short e
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CVC words that end with x
Izmiješane kartice
Initial 3 Letter Blends
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Vibrating or quiet sounds - beginning
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Suffix Pick, drag n drop for CVC (s,ing,ness,less)
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2.2 Glued sounds in closed syllables
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Phoneme Manipulation
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Where is the zzzzzz?
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Where is the ttttttt?
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Y=Long i
Uhvati krticu
-tion & -sion words
Izmiješane kartice
C,K, or CK?
Syllable Types BIG Sort
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FIS 08- /i/, /e/, /u/, /o/, or /a/?
Otvori kutiju
C, K, or CK?
Flash kartice
Suffix ing or letters ing
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/ch/ vs /j/
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FIS 03- /f/ or /th/?
Otvori kutiju
short i vs short e
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Review of /ch/ and /sh/ and /i/ and /e/ sounds
Dovršavanje rečenice
/CH/ in initial/medial or final position?
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GOTCHA! with ch/tch
Izmiješane kartice
2 syl CVC word match
Pronađi par
Digraph ch sentence spin
Čudnovati kotač
CVC sentence match a,i,u no blends
Pronađi par
CVC Sentence Match
Closed or not?
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Name the Baseword - Suffix s only #2
Otvori kutiju
Read Words - Closed, Open, Silent E
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vccv and vcccv words
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FIS lesson 12 no vowel sounds Rhyming different pairs
Igra pamćenja
Syllable Division- Rabbit or Reptile?
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Space Cards - Closed, Open, Silent E
Izmiješane kartice
Find the Closed🤛Syllable
Televizijski kviz
All Syllable Division Patterns
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vv syllable division pattern (lion)
Uhvati krticu
Lion Syllabication
Igra pamćenja
Wheel - Three Syllable Words
Čudnovati kotač
Short e vs digraph ee
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FIS Lesson 2 /f/ and /v/ Whack a mole
Uhvati krticu
FIS Lesson 4 /m,n,f,v,th,k,g/
Igra pamćenja
FIS Lesson 3 /th/
Uhvati krticu
Final Stable Syllables
Čudnovati kotač
Open & Closed Syllables
Otvori kutiju
Open or Closed Syllable Sort a,i,o,u
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Book 9 List 3 SW Hangman
Digraph ee vs e
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2 sounds of 'ear'
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Open & Closed Syllables
Točno ili netočno