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101 rezultata za 'urdu'

6. Family Label
6. Family Label Slika s oznakama
4. Mulitple Sounds
4. Mulitple Sounds Zrakoplov
Opposites 2
Opposites 2 Igra pamćenja
1. Months & Seasons
1. Months & Seasons Razvrstaj u grupe
Outdoor Games / باہر کے کھیل
Outdoor Games / باہر کے کھیل Slika s oznakama
7. Verbs: Present/Past
7. Verbs: Present/Past Slika s oznakama
1. Weather words
1. Weather words Igra pamćenja
3. Weather & Gear
3. Weather & Gear Razvrstaj u grupe
1.4 colors & objects
1.4 colors & objects Točno ili netočno
Tenses Razvrstaj u grupe
Noun form with Postpositions
Noun form with Postpositions Dovršavanje rečenice
8. Verbs: Progressive
8. Verbs: Progressive Slika s oznakama
1.1  Colors
1.1 Colors Labirint
Singular/Plural Zrakoplov
Fruits and Vegetables in Urdu
Fruits and Vegetables in Urdu Razvrstaj u grupe
5. Make Sentences
5. Make Sentences Magneti
3. Count 11-31
3. Count 11-31 Čudnovati kotač
1. Colors
1. Colors Labirint
4. Days
4. Days Uhvati krticu
3. Colors & Feelings
3. Colors & Feelings Razvrstaj u grupe
 Opposite Emotions / جزبات
Opposite Emotions / جزبات Igra pamćenja
2. Count 1-10
2. Count 1-10 Spoji parove
2. Mischievous 9
2. Mischievous 9 Pronađi par
 Urdu Haroof e Tahajji Nursery ا-ژ
Urdu Haroof e Tahajji Nursery ا-ژ Spoji parove
Body Parts
Body Parts Kviz
9. Clocks Quiz
9. Clocks Quiz Televizijski kviz
Synonyms Match
Synonyms Match Igra pamćenja
Fill-in Challenge
Fill-in Challenge Dovršavanje rečenice
Opposites 1
Opposites 1 Igra pamćenja
Urdu grammar
Urdu grammar Televizijski kviz
4.5 Verb spelling
4.5 Verb spelling Vješala
 میرا کمره/ MY ROOM
میرا کمره/ MY ROOM Spoji parove
People and Actions
People and Actions Razmjesti
color rainbow
color rainbow Slika s oznakama
1. Emojis
1. Emojis Spoji parove
6. My week
6. My week Kviz
Actions and Things associate with Rooms.
Actions and Things associate with Rooms. Razvrstaj u grupe
Verbs / Actions
Verbs / Actions Kviz
3.2 Emojis
3.2 Emojis Spoji parove
Appearance/ساخت Spoji parove
Sentence jumble
Sentence jumble Razmjesti
People / لوگ
People / لوگ Pronađi par
match maira/mairi/maire
match maira/mairi/maire Pronađi par
Food And Tastesکھانا اور ذائقہ
Food And Tastesکھانا اور ذائقہ Razvrstaj u grupe
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