1) Which one of these is NOT an example of social media? a) Facebook b) Microsoft Word c) Instagram d) Snapchat 2) What is a scam? a) An attempt to trick someone, usually to steal money b) A computer program to stay safe c) An online discount d) A social media site 3) It is important to make sure you shop online on sites you know. Which site below is probably fake? a) BestBuy .com b) Target .com c) Ammazon .com d) kohls .com 4) Which person is okay to share your password with? a) Your best friend b) Your parents c) Someone who emails you d) Someone who texts you 5) Which of the below is true? a) Always mention your address on the internet, to prove who you are b) Only post things if you are ok with family seeing it c) Only share your social security number with people who politely ask for it d) Your computer can be vaccinated from getting computer viruses 6) Which of the below is a "friend" NOT being a good friend on the internet a) A friend leaving a nice comment to your Facebook post b) A friend forgetting to tag you in an Instagram post c) A friend making fun of your post to other people behind your back d) A friend sharing a video you have already seen a million times 7) Which of the following is true? a) You must always like every post b) Only should only use Facetime c) You should avoid making people uncomfortable d) Always use the same password 8) Before sharing a funny photo, what should be the first question you ask yourself? a) How many likes will this photo get? b) Will this embarrass me? c) Facebook or Instagram? d) Should I post a video instead? 9) You just got a friend request from your current teacher! What should you do? a) Accept it, it is definitely them! b) Decline it, it is probably NOT them c) Call the police d) None of the above 10) What is the best way to make sure your email was sent to your teacher? a) Email them again and ask "Did you get my email?" b) Try calling the school c) Email Dr. Grace d) Check your "sent" folder. Your sent folder is like a receipt.

Computers - 01.27.21 (Spec Ed)


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