1) In Act 1 Sc. 1 Who do the witches plan to meet? a) King Duncan b) Macbeth c) McDuff d) Banquo 2) After fighting the Norwegian army, Macbeth is given what title for his bravery. a) Thane of Glamis b) King of Scotland c) Thane of Cawdor d) Thane of Fife 3) The witches make three predictions at the satrt of the play what are they? a) Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor, The King and Banquos son will be King b) Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor, Banquos sons will become King and he will die c) Macbeth will die d) Macbeth will become king and regret killing his friends 4) Who first plots to kill King Duncan? a) Macbeth b) Banquo c) Malcolm d) Lady Macbeth 5) Dramatic irony is used in the play. Which is an example. a) Duncan calls Macbeths' Castle "Pleasant" b) Lady Macbeth dies at the end c) Macbeth is crowned the king d) The witches speak in Rhyme

Macbeth Plot revision



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