Major causes of the Civil War - slavery, states' rights, sectionalism, Compromise of 1850 - California became a free state; Fugitive Slave Act; Utah & New Mexico people decide on slavery, Fugitive Slave Act - required that runaway slaves be returned to their owners, Uncle Tom's Cabin - novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe which exposed the evils of slavery, Harriet Beecher Stowe - author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, popular sovereignty - strategy used to determine if slavery would be allowed in Utah, New Mexico, Kansas & Nebraska territories, Kansas-Nebraska Act - people living in these territories would vote to determine if slavery would be allowed or not, Bleeding Kansas - conflict that occurred between pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups in Kansas; Kansas became a free state, Dred Scott vs. Sandford - Supreme Court ruled that slaves were not citizens but rather property, Election of 1860 - Abraham Lincoln was elected as the 16th president of the U.S., South Carolina - This state seceded from the Union following Lincoln's victory for president in 1860, sectionalism - a loyalty to one's region instead of to the country as a whole, states' rights - belief that states had a right to secede if they did not agree with the laws of the United States, Raid on Harper's Ferry (1859) - John Brown, a white abolitionist, launched a slave revolt in Harper's Ferry. Brown was eventually executed., Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858) - Lincoln said that the nation could not "endure permanently, half slave and half free.",
Causes of the Civil War
8th Grade
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