The Chinese invented paper about two thousand years ago., At first they used paper for wrapping things, then they started drawing on it., For hundred of years, people wrote books with pens and ink., Then one of the most important inventions appeared., Chinese people first printed on cloth more than two thousand years ago., They put dye on a woodblock then they pressed the block onto the cloth., Later the Chinese printed words on paper using woodblocks., They put ink on the block then they pressed the paper onto it., The woodblock printed the words onto the paper., The printer printed one page at a time but they could use the same block many times., The oldest printed book in the world is from China., A long time ago, sailors used the stars at night to fing their way home., When it was cloudy sailors could not see the stars and they lost their way., They floated the needle in a bowl of water and it pointed to north., It worked at sea when it was cloudy and completely dark., People could find north and then they could follow a map., Chinese scientists discovered gunpowder 1100 years ago., They found a kind of salt that burned with a purple flame., The heated mixture in the box exploded., They used gunpowder to make fireworks., They explode in the sky in different shapes and colours.,
English World 4 Unit 9 Chinese inventions
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