1) Sammy Snake knew that the fox would come in the evening to attack the chickens. He laid silently outside the door so that he would be ready to attack the fox. The chickens had been so nervous about the fox that they hadn't laid eggs for two days. Sammy knew that Jake needed the money he made from selling the eggs to pay off his bills. Sammy promised himself that he would put an end to the wicked fox that evening no matter what he had to do. What is the setting for this story? a) Jungle b) Desert c) Farm 2) Sammy Snake was climbing from tree to tree trying to catch Tarzan, Jane and Cheetah. He had to find them to warn them that the witch doctor was putting a terrible curse on them. He knew tht the only way to break this terrible curse was to get them away from the witch doctor before the spell could be cast. What is the setting for this story? a) Jungle b) Tundra c) Farm 3) Sammy Snake kew that the men in the canoe were evil. They had robbed the town people and were trying to make a get away before the police could catch them. Sammy circled around and around the canoe. He finally caught hold of one of the oars and began to climb onto the canoe. Since it was dark, the men didn't see him. He planned to scare them so badly that they would tip the canoe and fall out. What is the setting for this story? a) Ocean b) River c) Desert 4) Sammy Snake was very thirsty for water. He had been crawling on the hot sand for two days and still had found no water. He knew that he would not live much longer if he didn't find an oasis. What is the setting for this story? a) Lake b) Mountains c) Desert

Comprehension Context Clues: Setting



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