1) ex- a) out of or formerly b) before 2) pre- a) before b) around 3) circum- a) around b) under or secondary 4) sub- a) under or secondary b) down 5) de- a) down b) not or opposite of 6) un- a) not or opposite of b) back or again 7) re- a) back or again b) bad or wrong 8) mis- a) bad or wrong b) not or the absence of 9) dis- a) not or the absence of b) together 10) com- a) together b) not or the absence of 11) -port- a) to carry b) to pull, drag, or draw 12) -tract- a) to carry b) to pull, drag, or draw 13) -ject a) to throw b) to break 14) -rupt- a) to break b) to throw

Owen's Morphology



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