1) The teacher asked for a show of hands to see how many students were present.  a) people clapping hands loudly b) drawing hands on paper and showing it to people c) collecting a vote by asking people to raise their hands in the air 2) I got an A for effort for trying my best even though I failed the project.  a) a recognition of effort or trying hard to do something over achievement b) receiving an A as a grade c) trying very hard to get an A for a grade 3) Lisa is a huge bookworm and is always reading novels. a) worm found inside a book b) a person who loves reading books about worms c) a person who reads a lot of different books all the time 4) Matt is a teacher's pet because the teacher always asks him to help around the classroom.  a) a classroom pet that the students take care of each day b) a favorite student in the class c) a student who always gets in trouble 5) The test was as easy as ABC and I got a perfect score on it! a) very easy b) very hard c) studying for a test to make sure you pass 6) I have to hit the books if I want to pass the test. a) to read a lot of books b) to study hard c) to share books with someone 7) Mary is a copycat and is always trying to dress like Rachel.  a) someone who copies another person's behaviors/clothes b) a person who loves drawing pictures of cats c) a person who does not like when someone copies them 8) The teacher asked the students to create a single file line in the hallway.  a) a long line drawn on the floor b) a line of people standing behind one another c) a group of people who stand in a large group 9) Ted will flunk his test because he has not been studying. a) pass a test b) fail a test c) not take a test 10) Today is my first day at my new school and I need someone to help me learn the ropes of the school. a) to learn how to tie a knot in a rope b) to learn how a place works or runs c) to learn how to climb a rope

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