rigorous - |ˈrɪɡ(ə)rəs| thorough and careful (строгий, тщательный, точный, суровый) ( --- measures/search/climate/winter/safety standards), to bring down - to reduce, to stretch your legs - (inf) to go for a walk, especially after sitting for a long time, to break up an argument/a fight - to stop an argument/a fight( e.g. Three policemen were needed to ---- -- the fight.), to tell the tale - If something ----s --- ---- about a particular situation, it shows the truth about it (e.g. I went through the papers again, looking for references that might ---- --- ----.), to turn sb off sth - to make sb decide they do not like sth, alcohol/drug abuse - the use of sth in a way that it should not be used ( злоупотребление);the practice of drinking too much or taking illegal drugs), sophisticated system - is very well designed and very advanced, and often works in a complicated way, gateway crime - a crime that leads to further crimes, having said that - used for adding opposite opinion (однако, при этом), to facilitate - (formal) to make it easier for sth to happen, policing - control of area or problem by police (работа полиции), to run in parallel to - to happen in the same time (осуществляется параллельно), crime hotspots - places where crime is more likely to take place (очаг), causal link - |ˈkɔːzl| connection which show why sth has happened (причинно-следственная связь, That's not always the case. - It's not always true/ correct Это не всегда так., legitimate - /ləˈdʒɪtəmət/1)fair or reasonable; 2) acceptable or allowed by law (законный, легальный) ( ------ trade/business/----- reason -уважительная причина/---- claim, demand обоснованное..../------ conclusion - логичное заключение), to carry sth out - to do sth that needs to be organized and planned,
Outcomes Upper u8 (Riga-rous policing brings down crime)
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