He’s ____ – he travels to exciting places.Teenagers are ____. They are always in a ____. He looks like a hippy, but he’s lovely and very ____ with the ladies! Young professionals are hard-working. They want to be ____. Martha is very popular. She is always ____.You read so many bad things about young people in the press – that they’re ____ or irresponsible, but he’s caring, sensible and hard-working. What is the purpose of the ____ organising these activities? She’s ____ and always cheerful – she makes me feel young again. I learn important life skills and I’m more ____ than before. I am completely ____ on my car because the public transport here is rather poor.People on welfare are wrongly seen as lazy or ____. She’s wise, sensitive and has a lot of ____. My neighbours are kind and ____. You do charity work because you’re kind and ____, right? Gary is an ____ guy. He never tells lies.Would it be ____ of me to ask exactly where you’ve been? I can look after myself – I like to be ____ but I look forward to the weekly visits. Some people are more ____ to pain than others. Has Marion always been so ____ She always stays in bed until midday! They’re sociable and they enjoy connecting with friends on social media, but they can also feel very ____.I can look ____ – I like to be independent but I look forward to the weekly visits. She is an attractive young lady and always ____. Generation Z are ____ and selfish. Shona never smiles and is always depressed. She’s a really ____ person.

Vocabluary Focus 2 unit 1


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